Squally Showers
It's the decade of all or nothing and a magical storm is gathering pace.
Little Bulb Theatre return with their latest offering, exploring dance theatre and the whirlwind that was the 1980's.
Told with exciting choreography, an eclectic soundtrack and bizarre characters, Squally Showers is a fantastical balletic farce of politics, power, loneliness and love.

Co-comissioned by Farnham Maltings and The Garage, Squally Showers premiered at the Edinburgh Festival in 2013 after a short preview tour. It was reprised at the National Theatre Shed space as a part of their Limited Editions season later that year.
‘Like a glow-stick handed to you at a rave, crack it in the middle and spend the rest of the night dancing in the awe of the fluorescent glow.’
A Younger Theatre,
Jake Orr
'Squally Showers is a typically audacious show from a company who reinvent themselves at every turn.'
The Guardian, Lyn Gardner

Written and devised by the company
Directed by Alexander Scott
Performed by
Clare Beresford
Dominic Conway
Eugénie Pastor
Shamira Turner
Alexander Scott
Header image Little Bulb. Photography by David Scott/Owain Shaw/NT Studios. Videos by Little Bulb.